Monday, January 23, 2012

Simon says, and so do I

Simon Whaley of says:
‘A blog is what you make of it. You can use it to talk to the world, or you can use it to record your own innermost thoughts, which only you can read. But if you want to get into the habit of writing regularly, a blog can be a great way of developing that habit.’

I knew that before I read it on Simon’s Blog, ‘Simon Says', but I’m slack, or slow, or both and I needed to hear somebody else say it. Or perhaps it’s that I feel that having begun this blog by posting completed or almost completed articles that it can only be done that way forever more. My articles are few and far between because of that slackness and slowness that I mentioned earlier. But I do want to develop that habit, and I do want to use my blog to talk to others.

So, from here on in, I’ll have something to say about children and grandchildren (because it’s that sort of blog) and I will talk about issues that relate to them. My opinions might take up half a dozen lines or half a dozen paragraphs. But this is my new year’s commitment. Once a week, I’ll give it a go.
Thanks, Simon.

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